The Telepathy Machine #1 – working party
**Late shows with Mari&Marie2021 MayA Mari SzürkeA Marie GrauBoglárka LutzDorottya PoórDr. PurpleEVENTSLuca SzabadosNewsNow on TVSarah de GüntherStudio BudapestViktor MarkosZsuzsa Berecz
Dr Purple is a late blooming superstar. She lived as common people did up until her thirties when she realized that she is so unhappy, she could hardly be stayin’ alive. After years of psychotherapy and travelling the world and the seven seas, she realized that she needed to follow her sweet dreams.
Dr Purple is a late blooming superstar. She lived as common people did up until her thirties when she realized that she is so unhappy, she could hardly be stayin’ alive. After years of psychotherapy and travelling the world and the seven seas, she realized that she needed to follow her sweet dreams. Since her childhood, she wanted to be a Superstar. However, when she was a child, her family believed that she needs yes education and they discouraged her with dark sarcasm from very early on. Fortunately, she understood later in life that if she goes inside for her finest inspiration, her dreams will open the door. So, she considered whether she had to changed her name or she needed to lose some weight. In any case, she became a common people Star. In her performances, she performs her favourite cover-songs with her eyes. She is a regular surprise guest in the TV Late Night Show of Marie & Mari. In TV Free Europe, she leads her own tv-show, Dr Purple’s Music Boutique.
When Dr Purple is free from duties of being a Superstar, she lives as Lilla Magyari, and works as a researcher at the crossroads of neuroscience, language and art. She studied psychology at ELTE University in Budapest (HU) and cognitive neuroscience at Radboud University (NL). She also studied theatre-direction at AHK in Amsterdam (NL) for a year. She did her PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen. Then, she was assistant professor at the Péter Pázmány Catholic University in Psychology (HU), and she also worked at the MTA-ELTE “Lendület” Neuroethology of Communication Research Group (at ELTE) studying language understanding of dogs and mini-pigs. Since September 2020, she has been doing research in empirical literature at the Reading Centre in Stavanger and at University of Oslo (NO) in the framework of a two-years long Marie Skłodowska-Curie Scholarship programme. She has also been a member of Pneuma Szöv., artists co-op since 2016.
**Late shows with Mari&Marie2021 MayA Mari SzürkeA Marie GrauBoglárka LutzDorottya PoórDr. PurpleEVENTSLuca SzabadosNewsNow on TVSarah de GüntherStudio BudapestViktor MarkosZsuzsa Berecz
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