A series of interviews with people who were involved in informal networks by the time of the East European System Changes, 30 years ago.
How did these networks work? Who were in them and how did they keep contact.
A friendly talk with associative games and wheel of fortune – hosted by our star moderators Mari&Marie.
Antonia Burrows and Judit Acsády
On the occasion of International Women’s Day our great, charming timeless time-travellers Marie & Mari interview Antonia Burrows & Acsády Judit, who in 1990 were founding members of Feminista Hálózat (Feminist Network)
We will ask them about
>> how to build up a cool network in 1990 and today
>> how to be successful as a woman
>> the desired household machines that make us free
>> the future of 1989
Sisters are doin it for themselves!
Watch the interview here: https://youtu.be/xpq_ZExXKMo